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Rara National Park
Karnali Province


Bufferzone Gazetted Year
2063 B.S


Gazetted Year
2032 B.S

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Bufferzone Area of RNP
198 Sq. Km


National Park Area
106 Sq. Km

rara national park

rara coo

Mahesh Neupane
Acting Senior Conservation Officer
Rara National Park
    Contact no: 9858322302

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 Dharmajit Saud
Information Officer
Rara National Park
Contact No : 9765777401
Email :
About Us
Rara National Park (hereafter RNP) is located in the  Karnali Province of North-West Nepal, between 29º 26′ – 29º 34′ North and 82º 00′ – 82º10′ East. The park, smallest national park in Nepal,  was gazetted in 1976. It covers an area of 106 km2. Out of the total area, 10.8 km2 is occupied by Rara Lake, which is considered as the largest lake of Nepal. The Buffer Zone of RNP was declared on September 25, 2006  covering 198 km2  surrounding the park.
The park is home for Musk Deer, Red Panda, Himalayan Black Bear, Leopard Cat, Himalayan Thar, Himalayan Ghoral including other 54 species of mammals, 296 species of Birds have been recorded including more than 49 species of migratory birds in the park and 3 endemic species of Snow Trout (Schizothorax macropthalus, Schizothorax nepalensis, Schizothorax rarensis) have been recorded out of 7 species of Fish that have been found....Read More


Conserve and maintain ecological integrity of RNP landscape with enhancing livelihood of the local people through wise-use of natural resources on a self-sustained basis.


To conserve and retain the biological and cultural values, and scenic beauty of the Park’s landscape for the benefit of the present and future generations primarily as sources of glory and inspiration, recreation, education and enhancing livelihoods of the local people.


The main objective is to enhance biodiversity of the Park, promote ecotourism and regulate it where necessary to maintain delicate balance between conservation and tourism and also support the livelihoods of the local community through effective management of natural and cultural heritage.